
Blood Feast 2

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Blood Feast 2

Fuad Ramses III (J.P. Delahoussaye) celebrates the success of a particularly gruesome scene with FX men Joe Castro (right) and Jonathan Thornton (left).


Blood Feast 2

The godfathers of gore Herschell Gordon Lewis (left) and David F. Friedman (right) with Delahoussaye.


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Fuad’s abandoned catering shop is inherited by his grandson.


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Thornton prepared Fuad’s unique recipe for tasty lady fingers.


Blood Feast 2

This bridesmaid has a splitting headache.


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Castro shows off his slaughterhouse intestines after the filming of Fuad’s soon-to-be-notorious kidney massage.


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Yours truly (center) takes a moment to grab a photo with my B-heros Herschell Gordon Lewis (left) and David F. Friedman (right) — while Fuad appears deceptively harmless.


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Rauch’s Grocery doubles as Fuad Ramses Exotic Catering.


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Lewis and script supervisor Emily Pendas listen as Fuad, Tiffani (Toni Wynne) and Mrs. Lampley (Melissa Morgan) rehearse an emotional scene for the young bride-to-be.


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Mrs. Lampley tastes Fuad’s protein-rich creme brulee.


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A little too much of Fuad goes into making his creme brulee.


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Fuad’s pet skunk Fluffy.


Blood Feast 2

Lewis didn’t have the advantage of video playback in the ’60s.


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Fuad has had enough of Mrs. Lampley. When he’s startled, the bottle is supposed to drop safely in the box, but Delahoussaye missed — twice.


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Lee Frost visited Friedman on the set. The two were partners in crime on such notorious pictures as The Defilers and Love Camp 7. One of Frost’s best-loved films is The Beast with Two Heads.


Blood Feast 2

View of the grocery counter.


Blood Feast 2

View of the deli case.



Lewis and Castro discuss the next gore sequence before shooting.


Blood Feast 2

Friedman observes as the crew prepare to roll. Fuad will pantomime the action, while the FX guys hurl bits of gack and streams of blood at him.


Blood Feast 2

The cause of it all — the goddess Ishtar takes shape. Soon she’ll be honored with a blood feast. The enormous prop was fashioned from Styrofoam and papier-mache by Penelope Helmer.


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Lewis instructs Fuad on the importance of wearing oven mitts when handling corpses.


Blood Feast 2

The victim waits wrapped in a shower curtain.


Blood Feast 2

Assistant director Jimi Woods (right) ensures the proper amount of tape is applied to the head of producer Jacky Lee Morgan’s love doll. She’ll be playing the role of a victim Fuad dumps along the road.


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With a momentary break in the clouds, Lewis gets his day-for-night shot and it’s back to the day’s interior location.


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A crew member’s sister provides Laci Hundie’s (Michelle Miller) home — where she’ll strip nekkid and have unspeakable things done to her.


Blood Feast 2

Castro uses the previous night’s craft service left overs (Popeye’s chicken and mashed potatoes) as the base for his bloody brain mixture.


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Fuad removes a victim’s brains via her ear.


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Thornton is quite proud of these kidneys he acquired at a local slaughterhouse. They’ll soon be wrenched from the back of Laci Hundies in a shot destine to walk hand-in-hand with the famed tongue-ripping scene from the original film.


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Castro and Thornton "load" the torso.


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The gruesome aftermath of Fuad’s soon-to-be infamous kidney massage.


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This actress prepares to have her skull sawed open with an electric carving knife.


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And off comes her brain pan.


Blood Feast 2

What might Fuad have in store for this victim?


Blood Feast 2

Additional makeup is applied to better match the tanned skin of the living actress. Lewis is frustrated by the extra attention to detail. He believes it’s a waste of precious time, as audience will never notice the difference under all the blood.


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Just as Castro (playing Fuad) pops an eye free, Thornton pumps blood out from the sockets in a disgusting display of classic gore.


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Would you believe Thornton (gingerly holding eyeball) collects serial killer books?


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Friedman has Fuad deliver a specially scripted speech for the trailer, " … Won’t you come to my feast?! I think it’s in your BEST interest to BE THERE!!! … "


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Lewis and Friedman play gin while waiting for the camera and lighting crews to reset for the next scene. Lewis is wearing a T-shirt for his film The Girl, The Body and The Pill.


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A production designer applies guilding to Fuad’s book "To Serve Man — Including Tasty Desserts."


Blood Feast 2

That’s a wrap! I hope you’ve enjoyed this Blood Feast 2 slide show. Send your comments to: