
Hell High

Hell HighThis gem of an ’80s slasher was all-but-lost to audiences since it belly flopped upon an ill-timed arrival AFTER the stalk ‘n’ stab craze bled dry. Christopher Stryker heads a gaggle of misfits inexplicably eager to recruit football washout Christopher Cousins for a weekend of slinging swamp slime at their ‘fraidy-cat biology teacher (Maureen Mooney). First, though, Jersey slut Millie Prezioso flashes her goodies for Mr. Cousins (it’s her way of shaking hands) and, soon after, he snatches a completely uneuphemistic forward pass from the front seat of a CONVERTIBLE as Mr. Stryker does donuts in the turf. Why? They were BORED, of course. Besides the home team was getting spanked. Wait, that’s not a euphemism either. One-shot auteur Douglas Grossman eventually does stray into some kinkified territory when Mr. Stryker’s ain’t-got-nothin-else-to-do prank skirts I Spit on Your Grave territory by pawing his lude’d-out teech and snarling, "WHY DO YOU HIDE YOUR BODY!?!" Well, that does it, he’s gonna pay — and his lil friends too!