
Human Desires

Human DesiresPlayboy discovered her. Home video made her a star. In fact, MORE horndogs have fast-forwarded through MORE Shannon Tweed flicks than those of every other busty B-Queen combined. Whether playing a shrink or a stripper she was six luscious feet of sensuality and class who, with her sultry video covers, had an unmatched ability to keep rental registers ringing well through the ’90s. Those Night Eyes flicks with Andrew Stevens. The immortal Last Call. Ah, memories. Yet, it’s dern near impossible to go wrong with ANY Tweed flick as evidenced by Human Desires (1996, 94 minutes).

Shannon is modeling tycoon Alicia Royal whose swingin’ Hollywood pajama party hits a snag when one of her girls turns up nekkid and mighty dead in the pool. The cops call it a suicide given the buckets of dope in Julia’s system (Peggy Trentini) and the fact her pre-dip activities included slashing her wrists. But her fellow model and bisexual gal pal Zoe (Dawn Ann Billings) ain’t convinced. She enlists a booze-addled private eye (Christian Noble) to do some snooping and given the genre, their professional relationship also turns rather personal. Where’s Shannon in all this? Well, she vanishes from the flick for a full 30 minutes before eventually returning for the final, ahem, climax. Come to think of it, there’s a heckuvalot more canoodling than detective work going on here. Like when the victim’s ex-boyfriend starts yapping about helping Julia bust into modeling, which naturally segues into a fleshy flashback of the two rutting like jungle animals in his seedy photo studio. Other erotic red herrings also riddle the flick on its way to a particularly baffling, yet somehow upbeat ending. CineSchlockers should beware that this flick is sometimes billed as Indecent Behavior 4, yet has no real connection to Ms. Tweed’s "Rebecca Mathis, Sex Therapist" franchise.

Notables: 10 breasts. Three corpses. Multiple diddling (8 scenes). Peeping. Lingerie soiree. Mexican standoff. Lesbian tongue rasslin’. Gratuitous photo shoot. Kindly barkeep.

Quotables: Cokehead model rebuffs her friend’s concern, "Don’t be such a Nancy Reagan!" Horndog cop ogles a potential date, "That’s the best looking stiff I’ve seen! S@#$! I might have to break my rule about the pulse."

Time codes: Dean emotes (52:15). Amazing migrating ivy on building (56:31). Ms. Tweed earns her keep (1:06:50).