Cheaters host stabbed?

…Soon blurry-faced “Mitchell” tires of Mr. Greco’s judgmental needling and lunges for the diminutive host’s waist, touching off a melee as security goons spring into action and simultaneously send a…

Reader Feedback 2002

and over-analyzing and making every obvious joke … Anyway, I’m not just going to praise you, I’m going to comment on your Most Wanted list! In regards to “Silent Night,…

Vincent Price: The Sinister Image

…Valle at Vincent’s home where they go a bit deeper into topics covered in the previous piece (41 mins). Price was quite proud of his television work and two examples…

Weird Science

gotta fill this thing with data! We’ve gotta make it as real as possible, Wyatt! I want her to live! I want her to breathe! I want her to AEROBICIZE!”…

…bring tapes and obsolete media you’d like to swap, sell or trade. We look forward to seeing everyone. Remember to be kind and rewind! Attention Dealers Bring change for $20….

Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors 2001

…but to talk to Moseley you wouldn’t know it. And fans react — BIGtime — lining up for photos and autographs. My snapshot with him was free, but for just…

Texas Chainsaw Road Trip

…house tours and the requisite costume contest. (Careful with those chainsaws, fellas.) Co-owner and resident culinary maestro Sebastian Weddle has also outlined a special indoor feast for VIP ticket holders…

Open Water

…their money-mad careers to swill pina coladas poolside and, for extra grins, squeeze in some scuba diving. Requisite peril ensues when their tour guide’s “One Little, Two Little, Three Little…

CineSchlock-O-Rama’s Most Wanted

community where folks go KA-BLEWY if they ever try to vamoose. It’s up to Joe to crack the case and get the girl (Susan George). Originally broadcast in 1982 as…

Reader Feedback 2005

…mailouts! I love the horror-gore-schlock genres and am always ready for your great reviews and finds. Can you tell me if the “classic” “Gore Gore Girls” film from the 70s…