The Naughty Stewardesses

…Loins,” the picture jerks its wheel in an all-new, bizarro direction with an ill-conceived kidnapping, self-affirming rape sequence and other wackiness. CineSchlockers should stay tuned for Retro-Seduction Cinema’s Blazing Stewardesses…

24: Season Two

…Beyond Ms. Bauer’s hysterical, though COMPLETELY UNRELATED subplot, the second season’s most frustrating flaw is its C-R-I-M-I-N-A-L cliffhanger ending! Especially in comparison to the first season’s gratifyingly devastating final note….

Three Days in Roswell

…Now once empty storefronts overflow with E.T. everything. Cornerstone of it all is an old movie house converted into the world’s foremost center for UFO information and study. Its walls…

The Films of Al Adamson

…easy, “Love? What do you know about love? You’re good for one thing and one thing only. And you know something, now that I think about it, you’re not even…

Good Night, and Good Schlock

…Classicks such as Food of the Gods, Mirror Images II and a personal passion, Project: Metalbeast. (Kane “Jason Voorhees” Hodder won’t miss my quizzing him about that one!) Favorite find…

William S. Burroughs: Commissioner of Sewers

CineSchlockers intrigued by Wild Bill’s readings on Criterion’s exquisite ode to Naked Lunch might consider picking up this odd compendium of spoken-word performances, experimental films and interview footage for another…

Maximum Overdrive

…himself with Maximum Overdrive (1986, 98 minutes). And upon rolling into theaters the wheels completely fell off the flick. Critics jeered and the box office returns didn’t even cover the…

The Tormentors

…do anything. He gains their confidence by craftily redecorating his one-room apartment in Hitler paraphernalia and acting real smarmy on Nazi orgy night. Meanwhile, it seems recruitment is down and


…must “repeat kill” with do-it-yourself “Bruce Campbell‘s Right Hand” brand chainsaws or the government aid of “Romero Repeat Kill Troops.” Those wacky Japanese, eh? Well, there’s also a squad of…

Playgirl Killer

and Roger Corman did the murderous artist thing with a lot more panache, but Kerwin, as usual, is in it until the bitter end. Scan discount bins for this one….