
Ernest Goes to Jail

Also see Jim Varney: A Legacy of Laughter

Ernest Goes to JailMore stretching by Varney. This time he also plays Ernest’s mean, nasty look alike Felix Nash who’s doin’ hard time at Dracup Maximum Security Prison. In fact, he’s got an appointment with ol’ Sparky. Ernest’s a bank handyman who daydreams about being a clerk. Chuck and Bobby are night watchmen obsessed with overly elaborate schemes to apprehend would-be thieves. And in a series of events ONLY possible in this sort of picture, Worrell is called in for jury duty and lands BEHIND BARS with Nash free to case the bank and paw comely Ms. Sparrow (Barbara Tyson). CineSchlocker fave Charles Napier has all-too-few scenes as Dracup’s volcanic warden. The runaway waxer at the beginning and antigravity slapstick ending seem strained, but Varney mines some real gold once in the slammer. Great closing line also. CineSchlockers will easily spot pompadour’d Randall ‘Tex’ Cobb who played the biker bounty hunter from hell in Rasing Arizona.

Notables: Three YouKnowWhutIMean?s. Eight pratfalls. Flashlight to the brainpan. Lightening bolt attack. Involuntary magnetism. Lobster to the face. Gingerbread man assassination.

Quotables: Bank security chief Chuck warns Ernest about Bobby’s hair trigger, "Do you realize you could have caused a serious accident here? Perhaps even a blood bath!? This man is a coiled cobra ready to strike at the slightest irregularity!" Another impassioned speech, "I’m Ernest P. Worrell, an upwardly mobile American at his best. And I know that if I pay my taxes, bathe and floss regularly, I will ascend the ladder of success hand over foot." Ernest emotes, "The hole!? The hole like in solitary the hole?! Like in real prison?! Real, really, really, really, really REAL prison!? The hoosgow! The slammer! The joint! Alcatraz! San Quentin! Sing Sing! OH, NO! I’m in JAAAIIILLLLLL!!!"

Time codes: This Nash character is one tough hombre (8:12). Ernest’s extensive wardrobe (14:06). The ol’ "This wire’s got a SHHOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRTTTT in it" gag (15:50). Same lawyer from Ernest Goes to Camp (22:30). A whole slew of impressions (35:47). Requisite confrontation scene of any flick where an actor plays dual roles (1:09:52).