
Something Weird

Also see H.G. Lewis Goreography

Something WeirdAnother of Herschell Gordon Lewis‘s mercenary projects. It’s from an idea by James F. Hurley, who by the end, wasn’t at all happy with what Lewis had done with the picture. Hurley was a devout believer in E.S.P., and well, Herschell was a devout believer in box office success. The two notions clashed. Regardless, the title is wholly appropriate. This IS something weird. Really, really weird. Basically, a fella gets zapped by a downed power line, which horribly scars his face, but provides him with unparalleled psychic abilities. He sets up a fortune teller shop, and is called on by a comically hideous WITCH, who offers to pretty up his mug for a roll in the hay. He agrees and it gets even more bizarre from there. The film became the namesake of Mike Vrany‘s video business.

Notables: No breasts. Six corpses. Electrocution. Gratuitous martial arts training footage. Sniping. Flame throwing. Cackling witch. Blood Feast-style foot chase.

Quotables: A nurse with a horrible beside manner, "You’re disgusting! No one can look at you! Not even yourself! A freak like you should have died!" A real wise guy wonders, "A sensitive? What’s a sensitive? A guy who sunburns too easy?!" A twist on a familiar refrain, "I’m a psychic, not a psychiatrist!"

Time codes: "I have a drug here, perhaps you’ve heard of it" (35:42). Attack of the killer bed sheets (56:33). Cronin Mitchell (Tony McCabe) partakes in a mondo hit of LSD (1:03:35).