
The Tom Green Show: Early Exposure

The Tom Green Show Early ExposureIt’s easy for folks in the states to forget that Tom Green is NOT a product of MTV. In fact, the vast majority of the absurdist bits that made him infamous HERE were actually whittled from his wildly popular show in a distant, some say mythical, land called Canada.

Early Exposure: Raw Meat and Rare Treats opens a window on the comic’s fledgling antics that clearly foretell future extremes. Tom’s tyranny of his long-suffering parents creeps into being when he paints their house PLAID while they’re away. He mixes with unwitting sanitation workers in search of Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers and other sewer wildlife. Tom straps loaves of bread to his brainpan and accosts unsuspecting pedestrians on the street. Best of all, though, is when he and Derek Harvie play "Follow the Porn" along a breezy highway. This disc’s a must for diehards.